Sunday, April 29, 2007

Questions for the Week of April 30th

1. Do you believe Zachary's stories? Why do you think he tells stories about his life?

2. Toby thinks about Cal's brother Wayne a lot. Why might this be? Is Cal concerned about his brother serving in Vietnam? Is Toby?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Week of April 23rd

1. Describe Antler, Texas. What kind of town is it? What is it like for Toby to live there? HOw does this compare to our community at Villa?

2. What is it like for Zachary to live inside the trailer? How does he deal with it? Would you trade your life with your family for the freedom of living on your own?

Friday, April 13, 2007

The Week of 4/16/07

Hello 5th and 6th graders!

Here are your introductory questions:

1. What is prejudice? Give an example from real life, a book, a magazine, a television show or a movie.

2. What is tolerance and why is it important?